Dum-dum-da-da-da- dum-dum... Picture in your mind (oh, never mind.. there they are in the photo! That is Ike with the lei around his neck)the long line of students, robed in their green and white gowns (lovingly pressed by many mothers) walking to the strains of Pomp and Circumstance- that traditional processional which has ushered many a graduate from the safe realms of childhood into a yet unknown future. The audience rises to their feet and claps and cheers as their students enter the McKay Events Center at the UVSC campus. There is something about hearing this song being played that makes your life flash before your eyes and gives you cause to reflect and ask... "how did this day arrive so quickly?" "Are they ready for this?" And probably more accurately... "Am
I ready for this?"
1 comment:
Congratulations, Isaac.
Sorry we could not be there for your big day :(
Looking forward to seeing you sometime soon!
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