Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cousins Lyndi and Pauline back to school!

It's that time of year again! Cole was the first to head back to school- a big Kindergartener! And next week, Kenneth will advance to the first grade! Then Lyndi will start back after Labor Day and so will the college kids- Jake and Ike (via internet). Then Zina will resume teaching later in September.

But... I talked Pauline into coming down on Front Runner to stay with me and attend BYU Education Week last week! We had a blast being together and pretending we were college kids again! Uffda! That was hard on the brain! So many good classes it was hard to chose! And they had so much good information my hand was cramping from all the writing! Haven't used handwriting in a very long time! We get used to the keyboard! I saw some people (old people!) using their tablets and taking notes on them. Technology has come a long way!

In a family history class on the new Family Search Family Tree, we learned how to upload photos and stories to the people on the tree. And if you have a Smart phone you can just take pictures of old photos and upload them through your phone! (I'm not smart enough to have a Smart phone so I can't tell you first hand how that works! They said if you don't understand how things like that work, ask a 5 yr old!) So I have been uploading things the "old" way. It's fun to be able to have everything all online for others to share. That way you can collaborate with other "cousins" that are also working on the same tree and share information and link what they are doing with what you have found. They said there are 40,000 additional records added to Family Search every day!

What a fun way to spend the week! We were exhausted by the time we got home but ready to go again the next day! Perfect way to end the summer. Tomorrow I have a training meeting and Wednesday too, then start for real September 3rd. Things will be a little different this year. No recess duty because I will be doing Kindergarten intervention (reading). They are starting a new reading program using  i pads for 3-6th grades that sounds really cool! I'm excited to see how it works. 

So.. happy back to school for those who will be doing that! And happy regular life to the rest! Hopefully we are all learning something new every day, right? 

Hello dear family!

It's been a long time since anyone has posted on this blog! I was just looking at all the old posts and was amazed how fast time has passed since those things occurred! Scully has left us and Squeeker is alone holding down the fort! I guess she is probably heavy enough to do that by herself! (She's not fat, she's fluffy! Well 15 lbs actually!) We love her and she doesn't ask much... just an occasional flashlight that she can chase or if there is sunlight coming through the skylight in the kitchen she meows til we get the hint that we COULD get out a silver knife and catch the rays and reflect it on the floor so she can chase that around and around in circles til she gets dizzy! She doesn't act her age which I think is getting pretty close to 12 years old! She still likes to sit on my lap when I watch TV. She likes to be around people when they are talking and tries to "join" the conversation interjecting an occasional meow just to be sociable! Of course her favorite activity is still napping. A lot!

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